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Summer Hotspot: Going North!

It's time to change things up. This Friday, we've decided to head North of Auckland. While there are no controlled aerodromes North of Auckland, there are still a large amount of VFR flights that can be flown in and out of places like Ninety Mile Beech (see what I did there! ). With new procedures at Kerikeri, larger aircraft like the ATR and Dash 8 can be flown to other areas around New Zealand.

While the focus is on the Northland area, come and enjoy the whole NZZC.

Controllers can control any position they're rated to staff. The event is not rostered and will be a first come first serve system in atc-requests

See you there!


NZAA Auckland, New Zealand


 CallsignRadio NameFrequencyFreq
CTRNZAA_CTRAuckland Control123.900
APPNZAA_APPAuckland Approach124.300
TWRNZAA_TWRAuckland Tower118.700
GNDNZAA_GNDAuckland Ground121.900
DELNZAA_DELAuckland Delivery128.200

Flight and ATC Bookings

We encourage pilots and controllers alike to book your intention to fly or provide ATC using vroute.

These bookings display on the VATNZ website and allow others to know when and where to expect pilots and controllers to be online.

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