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Non Normal Night Shift Presents: Fly in! Coromandel

Announcing this month's Non Normal.

This month we host an event where we all converge on the Coromandel Peninsula. Located a short hop from many airports around the upper North Island it offers of the most unique flying opportuinites for all types! Helicopter ops, GA scenic flying or even turboprop action into Great Barrier! Tauranga also offers the opportuinity to fly commercial in or out of a field that may be busy with plenty of GA traffic heading north up the coast.

The focus will be on the airports/fields situated around the Coromandel region that offers opportunity for both departures and arrivals (see below), however this is not a staffed event so it is up to pilots and controllers to determine where and what the traffic levels are.

Whilst you can enjoy the whole NZZC as per usual the aim is to have as many movements into the event locations as possible.

If you are flying commercial jet ops, AA is the recommended field to enjoy high traffic levels. We hope to see as many of you there either controlling or flying! 

Suggested departure fields: AA, NE, MB (Helicopters), AR, HN, TG, RO

Suggested arrival fields: TH, UN, WT, CX, GB

See you all on Sunday night!


NZAA Auckland, New Zealand

NZMB Mechanics Bay, New Zealand


 CallsignRadio NameFrequencyFreq
CTRNZAA_CTRAuckland Control123.900
 NZCH-B_CTRBay Approach119.500
APPNZAA_APPAuckland Approach124.300
 NZHN_APPBay Approach125.300
TWRNZAA_TWRAuckland Tower118.700
 NZHN_TWRHamilton Tower126.800
 NZRO_TWRRotorua Tower121.200
 NZTG_TWRTauranga Tower118.300

Flight and ATC Bookings

We encourage pilots and controllers alike to book your intention to fly or provide ATC using vroute.

These bookings display on the VATNZ website and allow others to know when and where to expect pilots and controllers to be online.

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