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Christchurch Control: 5th January

Happy New Year Everyone,

This week we're flying between two of the most fun airports in the Southern Hemisphere: Wellington and Queenstown. With Queenstown being a small airport, it's always fun to see how many movements we can get in and out and gives pilots a chance to refamiliarize themselves with how to perform a hold.

Controllers can take their pick of any position they're rated to staff with preference for Wellington and Queenstown sectors.

The goal is to get as much movement between these two airports in the event. Don't let the controllers get bored. 


NZWN Wellington, New Zealand


 CallsignRadio NameFrequencyFreq
NZQN_ATISQueenstown ATIS126.400
 NZWN_ATISWellington ATIS126.900
CTRNZCH-K_CTRChristchurch Control129.400
 NZCH-S_CTRChristchurch Control129.300
 NZCH-T_CTRChristchurch Control123.700
APPNZQN_APPQueenstown Approach125.750
 NZWN_APPWellington Approach119.300
TWRNZQN_TWRQueenstown Tower118.100
 NZWN_TWRWellington Tower118.800
GNDNZWN_GNDWellington Ground121.900
DELNZQN_DELQueenstown Delivery121.900
 NZWN_DELWellington Delivery128.200

Flight and ATC Bookings

We encourage pilots and controllers alike to book your intention to fly or provide ATC using vroute.

These bookings display on the VATNZ website and allow others to know when and where to expect pilots and controllers to be online.

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