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East Coast Hops

This week's SNO get that light aircraft out of the hanger and come 'hop' around the East Coast of New Zealand's North Island, starting in Tauranga then flying either clockwise, or anti-clockwise around the East Coast, hopping from airport to airport as shown on the map below.

  • NZTG - Tauranga
  • NZWK - Whakatane
  • NZOP - Opotiki
  • NZGS - Gisborne
  • NZRO - Rotorua


Pilots with surnames starting A-L

Tauranga -> Whakatane -> Opotoki -> Gisborne -> Rotorua -> Tauranga

Pilots with surnames starting M-Z

Tauranga -> Rotorua -> Gisborne -> Opotoki -> Whakatane -> Tauranga

This event is only suited to light twin aircraft or smaller so park up your jets!



NZOP Opotiki, New Zealand


 CallsignRadio NameFrequencyFreq
CTRNZCH-B_CTRBay Approach119.500
TWRNZGS_TWRGisborne Tower127.300
 NZRO_TWRRotorua Tower121.200
 NZTG_TWRTauranga Tower118.300

Flight and ATC Bookings

We encourage pilots and controllers alike to book your intention to fly or provide ATC using vroute.

These bookings display on the VATNZ website and allow others to know when and where to expect pilots and controllers to be online.

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