Palmerston North (NZPM)
NZPM serves the city of Palmerston North and is the country's 8th busiest airport. The airport hosts a plethora of domestic flights daily, connecting the Manawatu to Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington, in additon to other smaller centers.
The aerodrome plays host to the Massey University School of Aviation, generating a large amount of local VFR traffic. The aerodrome also has two nightly services operated by Parcelair.
Control at this aerodrome is provided by three positions - Ground, Tower, Approach and Control. Ground is an Events Only positions that provides a Delivery and Ground function when on watch. Outside of an Event, Tower would provide these functions in addition to their core Tower service. Ohakea Approach provides a TMA service to both Ohakea and Palmerston North airports, and IFR clearances to Feilding and Whanganui. Ohakea Control provides an Enroute-level service. Should Ohakea Control be offline, this service would be provided by NZCH-T_CTR.
Current Weather
NZPM 280030Z 12009KT 25KM -RA SCT022 SCT029 20/15 Q1016 RMK AUTO VATSIM USE ONLY
Published 37 minutes ago
Airport Activity
Standard ATC Positions
Callsign | Radio Name / Freq / Voice Room / Type | Frequency | Type |
Ohakea Control
126.200 nzoh_ctr | 126.200 | |
Ohakea Approach
125.100 nzoh_app | 125.100 | |
Palmerston North Tower
120.600 nzpm_twr | 120.600 | |
Palmerston Ground
121.700 nzpm_gnd | 121.700 | |
Ohakea Ground
122.100 nzoh_gnd | 122.100 | |
Palmerston Ground
121.700 nzpm_gnd | 121.700 | |
Palmerston North ATIS
129.700 nzpm_atis | 129.700 | |
122.800 unicom_nzzc | 122.800 |
Event ATC Positions
This airport has additional control positions that are designated for use only during major events.
These non-standard positions must not be staffed unless specifically activated by the VATNZ Airspace Director
as part of an official VATNZ event.
At all other times, controllers should use the designated Standard ATC Positions.
Callsign | Radio Name / Freq / Voice Room / Type | Frequency | Type |
Christchurch Director
129.200 nzch-d_ctr | 129.200 |
Arrival Charts
Approach Charts
Palmerston North — VOR/DME RWY 07 & 25 | |
Palmerston North — VOR RWY 07 | |
Palmerston North — RNP RWY 07, RNP W RWY 25 | |
Palmerston North — RNP X RWY 25 (AR) |
Route Charts
Palmerston North — Standard Route Clearances |
Departure Charts
Other Charts
Palmerston North — Operational Data (1) & (2) |