Paraparaumu Flight Service Station

Section 1:

1.1 Responsibilities

Paraparaumu Flight Service is an Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) provided for the Paraparaumu Aerodrome and MBZ. Paraparaumu Flight Service is responsible for providing weather, traffic, and providing relevant safety information to pilots below 4500ft to the north of NZPP and 2500ft to the south of NZPP (the lower level of Wellington CTA).

Paraparaumu Flight Service is an Event Only position. You must have approval from the Events Director to staff this position during a sanctioned event, or from the Operations Director at any other time. Other stations are not allowed to cross-couple this frequency in accordance with our Extended Services policy.

Controllers/Standard Operating Procedures/Paraparaumu Flight Service Station/PP MBZ/1140

1.2 - Frequency and Callsign Information

Primary Frequency118.300 MHz
RTF DesignatorParaparaumu Flight Service / Paraparaumu ("Paraparam") Traffic
Telephone DesignatorParaparaumu Flight Service

1.3 Standard Operations

The Paraparaumu Flight Service operator is not to give landing or take off clearances. They are only there to provide traffic and weather awareness to Pilots operating within the Paraparaumu MBZ.

Paraparaumu Flight Service can, however, relay IFR clearances from a higher control service to aircraft on the ground. This clearance will be issued by the higher level control service, such as Wellington Approach or Christchurch Control, and relayed to the Pilot. The specific terminology can be found below.

1.4 Standard Phraseologies

1.4.1 VFR Circuits in NZPP:

KAL - "Paraparam Flight Service, KAL"
FSS - "KAL, Paraparam Flight Service"
KAL - "KAL, Cessna 172 outside the club, 2 POB to remain in the circuit"
FSS - "KAL, sealed 16, Surface Wind 150 degrees 10 knots, QNH 1001, no reported traffic."
KAL - "Sealed 16, QNH1001, Copy Traffic & Conditions, KAL."
KAL -  "Paraparam Traffic, KAL taxiing E holding point sealed 16 via C."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL enters via E to line up sealed 16."
KAL - "KAL rolls sealed 16, remaining in the circuit."
KAL - "KAL Downwind sealed 16 Full stop/Touch and Go."
KAL - "KAL rolling through sealed 16 to vacate at A2, taxing via A and D to the aeroclub."


1.4.2 Local VFR Flights:

KAL - "Paraparam Flight Service, KAL"
FSS - "KAL, Paraparam Flight Service"
KAL - "KAL, Cessna 172 outside the club, 2 POB, to vacate/operate vicinity Te Horo beach and Otaki river mouth, 3000ft and below"
FSS - "KAL, sealed 34, surface wind 320 degrees 10 gusting 20 knots, QNH 1001, traffic Cessna 152 late downwind remaining in the circuit.
KAL - "Sealed 34, QNH1001, Copy Traffic & Conditions, KAL."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL taxis to A1 holding point sealed 34 via D and A"
KAL- "Paraparam Traffic, KAL enters via A1 to backtrack sealed 34"
FSS - "KAL, Cessna 152 short finals sealed 34 to land."
KAL - "Holding A1, KAL"
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL enters via A1 to backtrack sealed 34 behind landing Cessna 152  behind."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL rolls sealed 34 to operate to the north 3000ft."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL operating between Te Horo beach and Otaki river mouth, 3000ft and below."

From here, an AFIS should give further traffic information as it is reported and required and pass this to the relevant aircraft. 

Pilots are welcome to use this frequency as a common frequency zone, similar to UNICOM. Think of it as being a supervised UNICOM. If two pilots are coordinating with each other, there is no need to step in and give information about the two aircraft - they already know about each other because they are in direct two-way communication.

1.4.3 Departure outside of PP FSS:

KAL - "Paraparam Flight Service, KAL"
FSS - "KAL, Paraparam Flight Service"
KAL - "KAL, Cessna 172 outside the club, 2 POB, to vacate/operate vicinity Te Horo beach and Otaki river mouth, 3000ft and below"
FSS - "KAL, sealed 34, surface wind 320 degrees 10 gusting 20 knots, QNH 1001, traffic Cessna 152 late downwind remaining in the circuit."
KAL - "Sealed 34, QNH1001, Copy Traffic & Conditions, KAL."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL taxis to A1 holding point sealed 34 via D and A"
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL enters via A1 to backtrack sealed 34"
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL rolls sealed 34 to vacate south via the downwind."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL Pukerua Bay, 1500ft tracking south, changing Wellington Approach, 119.3."

1.4.4 Arrival into NZPP:

KAL - "Paraparam Flight Service, KAL"
FSS - "KAL, Paraparam Flight Service"
KAL - "KAL, Cessna 172, half a mile seaward of Otaki River Mouth - 1000ft, 2 POB, to join Paraparam, full stop."
FSS - "KAL, sealed 34, surface wind 340 degrees 10 knots, QNH 1001, no significant traffic."
KAL - "Sealed 34, QNH1001, Copy Traffic & Conditions, KAL."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL 1 mile seaward Waikanae Beach - 1000ft, joining left downwind sealed 34."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL downwind sealed 34, full stop."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL rolls sealed 34 to vacate south via the downwind."
KAL -"KAL rolling through sealeded 34 to vacate at C to the aeroclub."

1.4.5 IFR Departure from NZPP:

KAL - "Paraparam Flight Service, KAL"
FSS - "KAL, Paraparam Flight Service"
KAL - "KAL, Cessna 172 outside the club, 2 POB, request airways Palmerston at 5000ft via the GUGAK4 departure, KAMET transition."
FSS - "KAL, surface wind 320 degrees 10 gusting 20 knots, QNH 1001, traffic is a Cessna 152 remaining in the sealed 34 circuit, clearance on request standby number one."
KAL - "Sealed 34, QNH1001, copy conditions and traffic, KAL."

PP FSS will now gain the IFR clearance from Wellington Approach - or if unavailable, Christchurch Control.

The Approach or Enroute station will devise the clearance and tell you to relay it to the aircraft. As an AFIS station, you do not have the authority to devise the clearance yourself.

FSS -  "KAL, Paraparam Flight Service  - clearance available."
FSS - "Wellington Approach clears KAL the Paraparam - Palmerston One, at 5000ft, GUGAK4 departure, KAMET transition, squawk 5643."
KAL - "Cleared Paraparam - Palmerston One, 5000ft, GUGAK4 departure, KAMET transition, squawk 5643, KAL."
FSS - "KAL, readback correct. Clearance not yet valid. Remain outside controlled airspace until time 45, time now 32."
KAL - "Wilco, KAL.

Notice that the terminology used is "Wellington Approach clears..", this is becase you are only relaying the clearance.

The higher level controller might place a restriction on when the aircraft can enter their control zone - seen here as "remain outside controlled airspace until time 45".

The rest is similar to ordinary Uncontrolled IFR procedures. PP FIS should contact the higher level controller once the aircraft is on the taxi for clearance validation, and if received, relay that to the aircraft.

KAL - "Paraparam Flight Service, KAL taxis to A1 holding point sealed 34 via D and A, will be ready for clearance validation upon reaching."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL enters via A1 to backtrack sealed 34."
FSS - "KAL, clearance now valid, no reported IFR traffic outside of controlled airspace, through 2,000 feet, contact Wellington Approach 119.3."
KAL - "Paraparam Traffic, KAL rolls sealed 34, departing to the north, runway heading IFR to vacate into controlled airspace climbing 5000ft."

1.4.6 IFR Arrival into NZPP:


(At some point during cruise, before ToD)

WN APP - "KAL,  cleared AVKEX1G arrival for the RNAV approach RWY34 at Paraparam, when ready, descend to 3,000ft. "
KAL - "Cleared AVKEX1G arrival, RNAV34 approach at Paraparam, when ready, descent 3,000ft."

(When established on the approach)

KAL - "KAL established RNAV34"
WN APP -  "KAL, clear to vacate controlled airspace on the RNAV approach RWY34, contact Paraparam Flight Service on 118.3."
KAL - "Cleared to vacate on the RNAV34 approach, contact Paraparam Flight Service on 118.3, KAL."
KAL - "Paraparam Flight Service, KAL is 12 miles South West of the field descending through 3,500 on the RNAV34 approach to land."
FSS -  "KAL, Paraparam Flight Service. Wind 290 degrees 12 knots, QNH 1007. No significant traffic."
KAL - "Copy conditions and traffic, QNH1007, KAL."

(From here just do relevant position reports to Paraparam Traffic as required)

1.5 Handoff

UNICOM or Wellington Approach is the next frequency for aircraft leaving the Paraparamumu MBZ. Since AFIS Officers aren't technically controllers, it is not necessary to hand people over to a controller or UNICOM. If you notice a pilot is out of the zone and is still on your frequency and has not reported clear to any other pilots, prompt them to switch frequency.